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We are ChallEng. We want to tackle the huge demand for real-life experience from students across all years and a multitude of disciplines. No society like us exists across any other UK university, and we would love for other universities to take on 'the ChallEng' at their own campus. We are currently running a society from the University of Bristol. We want to make a significant impact for small businesses by offering the developing skills from University students for free. 



Aim 1: Create a bridge between engineering students and industry.

Aim 2: Provide students with a chance to experience work with real-life impact.

Aim 3: Provide small businesses access to low cost, yet cutting-edge engineering consulting.


Grace Tribe

Grace completed her Mechanical Engineering Master's Student at the University of Bristol in 2021. She studied abroad at Purdue University (USA) during her third year of studies. She hopes to create a space for students to gain technical experience whilst helping small businesses get the help they need.

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Shrey Jain

Shrey completed her Mechanical Engineering Master's Student at the University of Bristol in 2021. She studied abroad at University of Texas, Austin (USA) during her third year of studies. She hopes to develop the society beyond Bristol to help students and small businesses across the country.


Roopanshi Jain
KCL Founder and President

Roopanshi is a 4th year Biomedical Engineering student studying at King's College London. She aims to provide students like herself to have work experiences outside of the usual course of engineering by connecting with our clients and forming life long relations. She will ensure that the best teams are formed for the projects with our industrial partners.

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